“I wish to extend our heartfelt thanks for your generous donation of $1,100 and your continued support of the AMT Children of Hope Foundation/Baby Safe Haven Program.
“The AMT Children of Hope Foundation was established to save newborns from abandonment by providing a positive alternative for birthparents coping with crisis pregnancies. Our all-volunteer organization provides birthmothers with confidential help and reassurance that they are not alone. Our public service announcements have been a great success: last year, the crisis hotline received 2,521 calls. From these, 175 birthmothers chose a parenting plan and were placed in local mother/child programs. Another 17 opted to make adoption plans, while 26 relinquished their newborns under the Safe Haven Law. To date, 118 infants in New York State were placed in adoptive families and 112 birthmothers pursued lawful anonymous relinquishments.
“A great deal of work still lies ahead. In 2007, we had the sad duty of arranging funerals for 3 newborn victims of neonaticide. They are at peace at the Island of Hope in Holy Rood Cemetery in Westbury. On a positive note, 100% of your donation directly supports initiatives to prevent infant abandonment and provide care for those in need. You truly deserve the esteem and admiration of our community for your personal effort to help others and put an end to these unnecessary tragedies.
“Again, thank you and God bless you.”
- Timothy Jaccard, President/Director (Mineola, NY)
NEW JERSEY Praise from Connecticut Government Officials
The 2003 Charity Concert for Adoption
The Annual Benefit Event of The Children First Foundation
Concert with the Ridgefield Symphony
Featuring Charles Rex, CFF Co-founder, as Violin Soloist
Reception at the Historic Keeler Tavern Museum
Ridgefield, Connecticut
March 16, 2003, 1:00 p.m. United States Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut
Praise from New York Government Officials
The 2002 Charity Concert for Adoption
Featuring Charles Rex, CFF Co-Founder, as Violin Soloist
The Annual Benefit Event of The Children First Foundation
The Fountains at Rivervue, Tuckahoe, New York
February 24, 2002, 2:30 p.m.
Statements of gratitude and support for The Children First Foundation and The A.M.T. Children of Hope Foundation, the beneficiary of CFF’s 2002 Charity Concert for Adoption, were publicly expressed by the following dignitaries present at the pre-concert CFF Media Conference
Pat Sheehy, representing Governor George Pataki
Yolanda Robinson, representing Westchester District Attorney Jeanine Pirro
Jim Cavanaugh, Supervisor of the Town of Eastchester
Richard Halevy, representing Mayor John Spencer of the City of Yonkers
Robert Ferrito, President of the Board of Education of the City of Yonkers
Aaron Britvan, Chairperson of the NYS Bar Association’s Adoption Committee
Tim Jaccard, Founder and Director of The A.M.T. Children of Hope Foundation
The purpose of The Children First Foundation’s annual benefit concert is to raise funds and public awareness that will support and promote adoption as a positive choice for women with unwanted pregnancies or newborns.
The A.M.T. Children of Hope Baby Safe Haven Program -- which was approved by the NYS Legislature and signed into law by Governor Pataki under The Abandoned Infant Protection Act in July, 2000 – helps desperate young women to safely and anonymously abandon their unwanted newborns (up to 5 days old) without facing criminal prosecution. Unwanted newborns are then entrusted to reputable adoption agencies and placed with loving adoptive families.
Thanks to this state-based program that protects both desperate young women and their unwanted newborns, eleven (11) babies in the year 2000, and thirteen (13) babies in the year 2001, were successfully rescued in the New York area and placed for adoption. As Tim Jaccard, Founder and President of the A.M.T. Children of Hope Foundation, explains, “The whole purpose of this effort is to make it so not one single baby is ever thrown in a garbage pail again.”
Generous CFF members and supporters have made it possible for the 2002 Charity Concert for Adoption to donate $2,000 to the A.M.T. Children of Hope Foundation to help them promote and support Westchester County’s first Children of Hope Safe Haven located at St. John’s Riverside Hospital in Yonkers.
Pat Sheehy: Officially representing Governor George Pataki.
(Ms. Sheehy is the Regional Director of the NYS Office of Children and Family Services. Her office oversees adoption efforts in an area that spans from Long Island up through the entire Hudson Valley to Peekskill.)
"It is my pleasure to represent our good governor, George Pataki, here today. Really what he wanted me to do is to come here today and to thank Elizabeth and Tim for the fine work they are doing.
"As Tim says, when government and bureaucracy get involved, often times we can slow down the process, so we really depend on individuals like Elizabeth and Tim who come to the forefront and see the opportunity and make things happen".
"So on behalf of our Governor, thank you very much."
Yolanda Robinson: Officially representing Westchester District Attorney Jeanine Pirro. (Ms. Robinson is the Community Justice Coordinator for the Westchester District Attorney’s Office.)
"Good afternoon, everyone. On behalf of District Attorney Pirro, I’d like to welcome you and thank you for being a part of this magnificent event and wonderful concert that The Children First Foundation is putting on. Because when you give back, you get back, and that’s what it is all about here. It’s about saving babies. District Attorney Pirro is very thrilled with the partnership that was established with Tim Jaccard and the things that you do. You are a godsend.
"Saving babies is certainly in the District Attorney’s mission as well as keeping all Westchester residents safe."
"So, on behalf of District Attorney Pirro, I welcome you and thank you very much."
Mr. Jim Cavanaugh, Supervisor of the Town of Eastchester.
(The Children First Foundation is proudly located in Eastchester, NY, the Birthplace of the Bill of Rights of the United States.)
"Eastchester is very pleased to have this wonderful organization headquartered in our community.
"One of the things I have had the occasion to do as Town Supervisor – three times now – is write character reference letters for couples I know reasonably well who were adopting. Through this process I have come to know how complicated the adoption process is, just by talking to these couples.
"So when I got this invitation to be here (…) I thought, 'what a great organization to have in our town.' Because I have certainly seen -- from the end of the adoptive couples – how their lives have changed for the better by having a young son or daughter. And I can only imagine how much that young child’s life has changed by having the opportunity that adoption can bring.
"So, I am very pleased to have you here and we want to do everything we can to have The Children First Foundation thrive.
"And the Safe Haven Law also sounds like one of the best things that have ever happened to any community. The thought that we won’t hear these horrible news reports about babies being found in places where babies ought not to be; that instead we will hear about babies finding loving families: that again just seems to be an extraordinary thing.
"So, anything the Town can do to help make this group thrive is what we want to do."
Richard Halevy: Officially representing Mayor John Spencer of the City of Yonkers.
(Mr. Halevy is the Executive Director of Public Affairs and Community Relations in the City of Yonkers.)
"Good afternoon. Thank you. I am just here on behalf of Mayor Spencer to congratulate Tim and Elizabeth on the marvelous work they are doing.
"Not a day for long speeches, but thinking about what I might say on the way over, I realized that the most precious gift we have in this world is the gift of life. And it’s wonderful that we now have people like Elizabeth and Tim providing alternatives for young women who don’t want their children.
"And I also want the folks here to know that we now have a Safe Haven in the City of Yonkers located at St. John’s Riverside Hospital. It’s the first one in Westchester County, and it’s already being used.
"So anything that Mayor Spencer and the City of Yonkers can do to support Tim’s and Elizabeth’s efforts, that’s what we are here for. Thank you."
Robert Ferrito, President of the Yonkers Board of Education, on behalf of children.
"Good afternoon. I know it doesn’t look like it, but I have 26,000 children and I represent all of them in the City of Yonkers. From my experience on the Board and working with children, I have seen the impact that they will have in our community.
"How could there be any other alternative but to 'choose life?' So I commend Elizabeth and Tim for spearheading this (pro-adoption effort) and taking us where we have to go: which is to provide an alternative and help people choose life.
"So I commend you and thank you for taking care of our children."
Aaron Britvan, Chairperson of the NYS Bar Association’s Adoption Committee. Mr. Britvan is the author of the pamphlet, Adoption in New York, which is currently distributed by the NYS Bar Association. He is a member of the Legal Committee of the National Council on Adoption, and offers pro bono work as counsel and legal advisor to the Adoptive Parents Committee of the State of New York and to Family Focus Adoption Services, a New York State licensed agency servicing “hard to place” children in New York State.
"It is my pleasure to be here. This October will commemorate 37 years since my oldest daughter came into my family when she was 3 days old and it was through adoption. Thereafter I was blessed with two additional biological children. Like that TV program, 'All My Children,' they are all my children.
"How to explain the feelings of having a mixed family of adopted and biological children? It came out in a movie that starred Glenn Close and dealt with adoption. And I remember what the attorney (in the movie) told Glenn and which is something I have lived with ever since: that having a child biologically is a wonderful act of nature, and having a child by adoption is a wonderful act of God. That’s what it is all about. And all of us are God’s helpers."
"When an attorney comes to me and says, ‘How do you become an adoption attorney?’ I say, ‘Well, the first thing you do is adopt a child.’ And that gets you on the track. Although I have been practicing now for 40 years, about 25 of those years have been exclusively adoption-related. It’s a profession. It’s a livelihood. But Elizabeth and Tim do this purely out of the goodness of their hearts… their love for people and their love for children. And although we are all God’s helpers, I want to tell you, Tim, you’re on the fast track for sainthood. What you are doing, and what Elizabeth is doing, is really terrific. Keep up the good work and I am glad to be a part of it."
Tim Jaccard, Founder and President of The A.M.T. Children of Hope Foundation.
"My name is Tim Jaccard and I am the Director and the Founder of the A.M.T Children of Hope Baby Safe Haven Program. Actually it was the A.M.T. Children of Hope Burial Foundation in 1998 when I first established it. The reason was that we had a rash of unusual situations in the New York Metropolitan area. Over a period of three years I had the bad experience of having to actually bury 36 newborn infants. They were alive. They took a breath. They had a death certificate. Those were the things I had to deal with. Over that period of time, I realized that it had to stop. The only way to stop it is to be able to make a change. One person did make a change, and then two people made a change, and then three. And before we knew it we had a movement across this country to form what was known as Baby Safe Havens. You have 'Baby Moses' in Texas, 'Secret Safe Place' in Alabama, and the Children of Hope Foundation’s 'Baby Safe Havens' in New York.
"I established a Crisis Center 'to start to stop' this from happening. I wrote and presented a bill but it was rejected. I did not know how to write bills, and as Aaron (Britvan) knows, it was very hard to get legislation. It was only with the power of Rep. Nancy Larraine Hoffman in Syracuse, who was willing to sponsor the bill, that it was finally approved and moved forward.
"In 1999, when the Crisis Center first opened we had roughly 430 some-odd phone calls on the crisis phone line. Last year was a phenomenal year. We had 3,411 phone calls last year. We had 129 young women that needed immediate crisis intervention. We put 23 babies up for adoption through traditional adoption agencies; and rescued 13 babies alive, no questions asked, non-bureaucratically as I refer to them.
"I noticed that we had to spread even further. That’s when we started opening up to Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx, Staten Island, and Suffolk County, with Nassau County as our focal point. I have Paul and Marisol Morales, the Bronx/Westchester Directors of our organization, here with me today to let you know that they now handle Westchester, too.
"Friday was another successful day this year. We’ve had actually 5 babies so far: 3 put up for adoption and 2 rescued safely, non-bureaucratically. This most recent one was Friday. A young girl called on the crisis line. Not wanting her child and hiding that pregnancy, she walked into the Morris Heights Medical Health Center, which is a birthing center in the Bronx. She left the baby in the bathroom on a changing table. The nurse was notified, the baby was rescued alive, and the mother walked out without anybody knowing about it. That’s what it’s about. It’s about rescuing the babies and not having to bury the babies.
"Last year was a success, as I say. We went from burying an average of 18 to 20 babies a year, the previous years, to last year we had the sad event of burying 4 newborn infants but rescuing 13 babies alive. So now we are seeing the changes. This is what it’s about here. Organizations and adoption agencies are beginning to come forward and not be threatened by a new law that would allow a young woman to quietly relinquish a baby without a medical history, without a past, without any facts, but yet alive. It is now showing that we can do this and that it is working.
"So, again, thank you for listening to my speech and enjoy the concert."
“Thank you so much for your recent check to 1st Way. Thank you also for all your hard work in promoting the license plates in the Tri-State Area. I can only imagine how hard you work to try and change our country’s mindset away from abortion & toward adoption & I thank God for your efforts. I pray that God will bless you abundantly for all you do. Thank you again.” 1st Way Life Center (Enfield, CT)
“Thank you for your check. We promote the License Plates whenever we can…You make it all possible. I can’t say it enough: without you, this ministry would be just a good idea. Good ideas are nice, but good ideas have to be put into action. Your gifts make it happen…Let us continue to pray for one another as together we support life and adoption.” Care Net Pregnancy Center of Northeast Connecticut (Danielson, CT)
“Birthright [of Norwalk] is very grateful to the Children First Foundation for your very generous donation. Our work in helping pregnant mothers choose life depends on the support of individuals and organizations like the Children First Foundation. I also want to thank you for inviting us to hear the [Safe Haven] presentation by Tim Jaccard. It was both inspiring and encouraging.” Birthright (Norwalk, CT)
“Thank you so much for the generous donation to Hopeline. We appreciate your stand on adoption and your dedication to getting the license plate to be used in CT. We are so grateful. God bless.” Hopeline (Danbury, CT)
“Thank you for your dedication to the welfare of children.” Birthright (Clinton, CT)
“Our sincere thanks for the donations to both Birthright offices, Hamden and West Haven, from the Children First Foundation. We volunteers truly appreciate all the support and all your foundation’s efforts in the cause of Life.” Birthright (Hamden, CT)
“I wanted to write and thank you for your generous donation…We are very appreciative of the CFF Grant plus an additional amount for the designated Choose Life license plate. I can assure you that this money will be used to provide free and confidential services to pregnant women throughout the area.” Hope Pregnancy Center (Cheshire, CT)
“What a blessing when we are affirmed in our mission to help pregnant women in crisis by our supporters!” Birthright of Greater Hartford (East Hartford, CT)
“The women who come to our doors are faced with homelessness and crisis. Your generosity and continuous support is helping us make a difference in the lives of the mothers and children we serve.” Malta House of Good Counsel (Norwalk, CT)
“With support and commitment of people like you, we are able to assist the women of our community and surrounding areas in their time of need. Additionally, your gift enables our continued efforts to protect the unborn.” Birthright of the Valley (Derby, CT)
“We would like to thank you very much for your thoughtfulness and support for the pregnancy resource centers in the Tri-states. Please keep us informed about the License plate issue. I would like to be one of the first to purchase one! Keep up the awesome job.” Pregnancy Resource Center, Inc. (Bath, NY)
“Thank you for remembering our four centers here in Central New York. Keep up your good work and don’t grow weary. We are praying for success in getting “Choose Life” plates in New York.” Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central New York (Utica, NY)
“Your support of our work with mothers, their babies and families is gratefully received. We always include adoption as an option when counseling women and we thank you for your work in this area and in Safe Haven training.” Champlain Valley Birthright (Plattsburg, NY)
“Each time one of our clients chooses to continue her pregnancy, you can be assured that your gift has helped facilitate this concrete and joyful outcome.” Midtown Pregnancy Center (New York, NY)
“We are happy to report that in the first three months of 2008, sixty-eight women have chosen life for their unplanned babies. Thank you for helping that happen.” Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central NY (Utica, NY)
“Thank you so much for your gift and for the wonderful work you are doing to promote adoption and to help women choose life for their babies. We pray God’s blessings upon you.” New Hope Family Services (Syracuse, NY)
“We the volunteers appreciate your faith in us to continue to do whatever we can to help the unborn. Thanks again and God Bless you.” Alden Pregnancy Information Center (Alden, NY)
“Thank you for all your organization does for the cause of life and for blessing us with your gift...” Pregnancy Care Center of the Finger Lakes (Geneva, NY)
“We at Catholic Charities Regina Residence send to you and those at the Children First Foundation our sincerest thanks for your grant…It is the kindness of people like you that make ‘hope’ more than just a word, but bring it to life in the hearts of so many.” Catholic Charities, Diocese of Rockville Centre (Hicksville, NY)
“God bless you as you partner with us on behalf of the unborn and their families.” Pregnancy Support Center (New Paltz, NY)
“This thank you note is being written on behalf of the mothers, babies and children who will benefit from the kind and thoughtful donation...It is heartwarming to learn that your organization was able to think about us and our work of helping other families in need. We are very impressed with CFF, its free training and the selfless actions of charity you and the people of your community demonstrate go a long way in helping babies stay safe and the Bridge for Life stay afloat. Thank you and bless you!” The Bridge to Life, Inc. (College Point, NY)
“On behalf of our Board of Trustees, staff and most of all, the people who benefit from our services through the Center for Pregnant Women, I extend our appreciation to The Children First Foundation for the recent donation of twenty dollars [that] will be used for the sole purpose of the Center for Pregnant Women.” Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens (Brooklyn, NY)
“Thank you for your gift to Birthright. It was greatly appreciated and gave our hearts a lift!” Birthright of Binghampton (Johnson City, NY)
“Thank you and your organization for getting out the message to ‘Choose Life.’ Keep up the good work!” Catholic Guardian Society and Home Bureau (New York, NY)
“Thank you for your generosity and concern for women in need of our assistance. It is only through support of people like yourselves that Baker Victory can continue to provide quality care for these women. Your donation will assist us in our commitment to vulnerable women in times of crisis. Please accept our appreciation for your concern and generous donation.” Baker Victory Services (Lackawanna, NY)
“What a beautiful way to support respect for LIFE. We are so privileged to be a part of [CFF’s] Grant Program. Thank you!” Birthright of Nassau and Suffolk Counties (Islip, NY)
“Thank you for all you are doing! It is so good to know you are making such a visible presence in our culture. You are in our prayers.” Sullivan County Pregnancy Support Center (Liberty, NY)
“Thank you for your special gift [that] will bring hope to women who are struggling with issues of life and death and are used to supply our clients with life changing information and guidance through some of life’s most difficult decisions.” Care Net Pregnancy Center of Rockland (Spring Valley, NY)
“Great work! Great fund-raising idea! I hope you win NY over. What a fantastic way to promote adoption.” Long Island Birthright, Inc. (Rocky Point, NY)
“Thank you for your contribution. We really appreciate anything you do to help our organization.” Birthright of Fishkill and Poughkeepsie (Fishkill, NY)
“So many of our clients have entered our doors carrying years’ worth of hurts, burdens and pain from past choices. Whether they come for a pregnancy test, a MD confirmation of pregnancy through limited ultrasound, options counseling, parenting education/support or to encounter the forgiving of God after an abortion, each client is treated with compassion and kindness as we seek to minister to their needs in the name of Christ. Thank you for your financial support and prayers.” Care Net Pregnancy Center of Orleans County (Albion, NY)
“Thank you so very much for your grant...Your assistance makes it possible for us to provide the help our clients need to be able to say “Yes” to life and give birth to their babies. It is our goal to nurture responsible motherhood, empowering women to make healthy life choices for herself and her baby. We look forward to collaborating with The Children First Foundation in the future.” Pregnancy Care Center (New Rochelle, NY)
“Thank you for your support! May God Bless you!” Pregnancy Care Center (Oswego, NY)
“I am so excited to see the productive work of CFF reaching out to all of us in pro-life service! Please pray for 2 young women currently considering making an adoption plan…You are a true encourager and I am proud that Cornerstone partners with you in this vital effort! God bless!” Cornerstone Women’s Resource Center (Salem, NJ)
“Thank you for your contribution to the Maternity and Adoption Program at Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen. God knows every little bit helps us in assisting young women in need. Please be assured of our thoughts and prayers for you and the foundation which helps programs that work with women who choose life for their babies.” Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen (Perth Amboy, NJ)
“Thank you so much for your recent gift to the ministry here. We are very aware that it is because of you that we can continue to reach out and make a difference in so many lives. We are moving ahead with our desire to become a resource for ultrasound to those clients who are considering abortion, and we also have an opportunity to go into the schools with the message of abstinence. Please continue to pray for us.” Turning Point Women’s Resource Center (Bergenfield, NJ)
“Your gift enables us to continue working with young moms and their babies as they strive towards independence. God bless you for your wonderful work!” New Hope, Inc. (Woodcliff Lake, NJ)
“We are very proud to support adoption. As a crisis pregnancy center, we are always sharing the positive option of adoption with our clients. Your support has enabled us to double the number of women, men and teens we are serving. Thank you for your goodness to us.” Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center (Hawthorne, NJ)
“Your gift of $520 to Bethany Christian Services sustains many vital [adoption] ministries. Thank you so much for all you do!” Bethany Christian Services (Fair Lawn, NJ)
“Your generosity allows us to continue our mission locally, upholding our international vision that ‘every woman has a right to give birth, and every baby has a right to be born.’ We thank you wholeheartedly for remembering our organization in your goodness.” Birthright of Ocean County (Barnegat, NJ)
“How very generous of you to send your donation to Birth Haven. As a small non-profit organization providing transitional housing to as many as nine young pregnant women who are without a safe or suitable living environment, such a donation is indeed a godsend.” Birth Haven (Newton, NJ)
“Dear Children First Foundation,
“Every now and then it’s helpful for me to go back and revisit why we do what we do. A letter written thirty years ago by an anonymous young woman always reminds me.
“‘Carrie’ was young, in love, and became pregnant. Her mother refused to allow her to carry her baby to term and set up an appointment at a local abortion clinic. Even the clinic counselor told her the baby would never be adopted. Without the support of her parents, and believing only what the abortion counselor told her, Carrie felt she had no choice. She made the difficult and terrible decision to end her baby’s life. In her letter she said, ‘If I had a place to go and people who cared about my baby and me, maybe my baby would be alive now.’ She challenged those who read the letter, by asking them. ‘Would you mind telling me what you would have done?’
“When Carrie wrote her letter, there weren’t centers like First Choice. Perhaps if she were pregnant now, things would be different for her. I hope so! I do know that by praying and supporting us financially, you have answered the challenge from women like Carrie. Thank you for standing with us!” First Choice Women’s Resource Centers (Morristown, NJ)
“You are such a blessing! Thank you so much for supporting our work. This year LIFENET made 151 pro-life and chastity presentations, reaching 6,000 people. LIFENET also conducted three True Love Waits training seminars for adult youth leaders. Our prayer is that those 149 youth leaders who were trained will in turn empower many hundreds of young people with the message of sexual purity and that all human life is sacred. Thank you again for your partnership in this life-saving, culture changing work. May God richly bless you.” LIFENET (Montclair, NJ)
“Be assured that your donation will help in our work with the pregnant women we serve.” Catholic Charities, Diocese of Camden, Crisis Pregnancy & Adoption Services (Camden, NJ)
“Thank you for your generous gift to allow me to continue offering shelter, food, counseling and training to homeless pregnant women and their children.” Good Counsel Homes (Hoboken, NJ)
“Thank you for your recent donation to Grace Initiatives. Because of your faithfulness and prayers, we are able to touch the lives of young pregnant teens in crisis. We appreciate your support and pray that the Lord will abundantly bless you as you support His work.” Grace Initiatives (Toms River, NJ)
“Will one gift make a difference? You betcha! When we think of funding this ministry, we are well aware that it’s each individual gift that makes the whole. While you may not feel as if an individual contribution makes a difference, it does! It is precisely the combination of those individual gifts that allows lives to be impacted.
“Frankly we cannot make it without you. It is your gift that opens the door, your gift that operates all of our life affirming programs, and your gift that ultimately saves lives. When you choose to give to this ministry, you are making a difference – you can count on it! Thank you for caring and giving.” Solutions Pregnancy & Health Center (Shrewsbury, NJ)
“Thank you so much for the grant money from The Children First Foundation. We are a small maternity home supported by gifts from the Fountain of Life Center congregation and others. May God continue to bless your work for LIFE!” Fountain for Life Center (Burlington, NJ)
“Thank you so much for all you are doing to facilitate Moms choosing life for their babies. We praise God for people such as yourself who enable us to serve the young women and their children that come to us for help.” Friendship Center for New Beginnings (Flemington, NJ)
“We receive hundreds of calls and visits every year for assistance and referrals. Birthright volunteers provide services that include pregnancy test, medical care, guidance, financial assistance, referral for housing or shelter if necessary, adoption, day care, maternity and baby clothing, furniture plus other necessities. This support is designed to provide the means for women who call or visit our office to have whatever help they need during their pregnancy and after. It is a great honor to be able to do this. Your gift makes this possible.” Birthright of Bergen County (Maywood, NJ)
"Thank you for your donation to Birthright. It is because of the kindness of good people like you that we are able to help many young women and girls in great need." Birthright of Atlantic City (Atlantic City, NJ)