Some states have not approved any official "Choose Life" vehicle license plates. To see information about your state, see the map at Choose Life America's site (CLICK HERE). Half-sized plates and window stickers cannot be censored! Get yours today!
Half-sized plates: Attach this 4.5" tall, metal plate to the bottom or top of your current official license plates - or put it in the back window, or on a bicycle, walker, wheelchair, etc.
To get your own half-plate, just send a $25 donation (CLICK HERE) and at the end of the donation form, indicate that you'd like a half-plate. We'll mail it right out to you!
Window stickers: These are 5", round, front-facing and easily removed window stickers for your vehicle or other location. To get your own window sticker, just send a $10 donation (CLICK HERE) and at the end of the donation form, indicate that you'd like a window sticker. We'll mail it right out to you!
Your donation helps us to reach out to others and to support life and adoption for vulnerable children through non-profit pregnancy resource centers, maternity homes, and safe haven efforts. The Children First Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, and donations are tax-deductible.
Help us increase love for vulnerable children, distribute crucial grants, and fill the roads everywhere with the "Choose Life" message!
The Children First Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, and donations are tax-deductible. For further information, please call toll-free at 1-877-386-3236 or use the contact form on the website.