The Children First Foundation is the organizational sponsor of "Choose Life" license plates in Connecticut.
Members of the organization may apply for the "Choose Life" plates to be distributed by the Department of Motor Vehicles - we will provide you with the official application. You must be a member of The Children First Foundation to acquire a "Choose Life" license plate. Members make a tax-deductible donation of $25 each year.
Through license plate memberships, The Children First Foundation has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in charitable funds that are distributed to support life and adoption for unborn and newborn children via crisis pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and safe havens.
Please note that the CT DMV requires a one-time switching fee of $65.
CLICK HERE to receive an application form by mail, or ask any questions. Or call 877-386-3236.
Background: In September 2003, Connecticut became the 9th state in the nation -- and the first in the Northeast -- to have the “Choose Life” Plate on the road.
The Children First is making a huge impact - with your help! “Thank you so much for your recent check to 1st Way. Thank you also for all your hard work in promoting the license plates in the Tri-State Area. I can only imagine how hard you work to try and change our country’s mindset away from abortion & toward adoption & I thank God for your efforts. I pray that God will bless you abundantly for all you do. Thank you again.” 1st Way Life Center (Enfield, CT)
“Thank you for your check. We promote the License Plates whenever we can…You make it all possible. I can’t say it enough: without you, this ministry would be just a good idea. Good ideas are nice, but good ideas have to be put into action. Your gifts make it happen…Let us continue to pray for one another as together we support life and adoption.” Care Net Pregnancy Center of Northeast Connecticut (Danielson, CT)
“Birthright [of Norwalk] is very grateful to the Children First Foundation for your very generous donation. Our work in helping pregnant mothers choose life depends on the support of individuals and organizations like the Children First Foundation. I also want to thank you for inviting us to hear the [Safe Haven] presentation by Tim Jaccard. It was both inspiring and encouraging.” Birthright (Norwalk, CT)
“Thank you so much for the generous donation to Hopeline. We appreciate your stand on adoption and your dedication to getting the license plate to be used in CT. We are so grateful. God bless.” Hopeline (Danbury, CT)
“Thank you for your dedication to the welfare of children.” Birthright (Clinton, CT)
“Our sincere thanks for the donations to both Birthright offices, Hamden and West Haven, from the Children First Foundation. We volunteers truly appreciate all the support and all your foundation’s efforts in the cause of Life.” Birthright (Hamden, CT)
“I wanted to write and thank you for your generous donation…We are very appreciative of the CFF Grant plus an additional amount for the designated Choose Life license plate. I can assure you that this money will be used to provide free and confidential services to pregnant women throughout the area.” Hope Pregnancy Center (Cheshire, CT)
“What a blessing when we are affirmed in our mission to help pregnant women in crisis by our supporters!” Birthright of Greater Hartford (East Hartford, CT)
“The women who come to our doors are faced with homelessness and crisis. Your generosity and continuous support is helping us make a difference in the lives of the mothers and children we serve.” Malta House of Good Counsel (Norwalk, CT)
“With support and commitment of people like you, we are able to assist the women of our community and surrounding areas in their time of need. Additionally, your gift enables our continued efforts to protect the unborn.” Birthright of the Valley (Derby, CT)
Help us increase love for vulnerable children, distribute crucial grants, and fill the roads everywhere with the "Choose Life" message!
The Children First Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, and donations are tax-deductible. For further information, please call toll-free at 1-877-Fund-Adoption / 1-877-386-3236 or e-mail us at [email protected].